Eye Bag Removal Singapore

An extremely common question that cosmetic surgeons are usually asked is regarding removing the puffy eye bags they unfortunately have. This is a common concern since the eyes are simply the focal point of see your face, and eye-bags, being directly underneath your eyes, make you appear lethargic and less aesthetically pleasing.

Eye bag removal surgery, otherwise known as lower blepharoplasty, is conducted for such patients. Usually, the fats underneath the eye sockets are removed to get rid of the look of eye bags, but this is not always the most viable option.

These bags are in fact pockets of fats that every body has. The fat accumulated there does not actually escalation in quantity. It is in fact due to the weakening of the ligament which holds the fats along with the increased loss of muscle and bone from exactly the same area that gives the look of eye bags.

Eye Bag Removal Singapore from this area needs to be performed just right. Some plastic surgeons eliminate an excessive amount of fats, causing the eyelid to actually look sunken in after the surgery. To stop that from happening, surgeons usually look to displace the positioning of the fats as opposed to completely removing them from your eyelids.

Next, the surgeon can then use fats from the patient's body to fill out the lost volume around the eye areas. The fats injected are first purified and distilled. They are then injected in small amounts around the cheekbones area, reducing the look of puffiness around or underneath the eyes.This results in your eyes looking a lot more refreshed, letting you look younger and better. Blepharoplasty is just a long-lasting solution for removing your bags.

Most incisions made during lower blepharoplasty are discrete since they will be usually made inside of the eyelid, making them near invisible.

The average surgery time for blepharoplasty is approximately one to 1 and a half hours. This is considered an outpatient treatment and patients are shown general anesthetic or sedation during the process itself.

For many cases, patients will have the ability to have home just after the surgery and enjoy life as per normal. There could be light bruising around the eye bag region, but since it is not severe, it could be easily hidden with the right makeup tricks. Minimal pain is expected after the surgery, each of which may be easily alleviated with a mild painkiller.

Tired of looking just like a bulldog - or even a hooded owl? If the bags under your eyes are receiving you down, or if the creepy skin on your own upper eyelids threatens to cover your eyes completely, you may decide to always wear a hat with an extensive brim that shadows top of the 50% of your face. Then again, you may make the wise decision to purchase blepharoplasty, cosmetic surgery to both eradicate eye bags and improve the look of one's upper lids as well.

Under eye bag surgery is a precise procedure for eliminating under eye bags. This surgery can be known as a form of Blepharoplasty, which is the medical name for cosmetic eye surgeries. It is just a common surgical procedure, which includes become quite popular amongst both men, and women. Many people who have under eye bags and are unable to remove them are now actually choosing this surgery to get rid of this problem forever.


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Ryan McCorvie

Ryan McCorvie